Monday, November 18, 2013

Success Criteria For Life in Space Foldable

Ensure that the following criteria is present within your foldable for full marks.  See Miss Fisher if you need help or for a paper copy of the success criteria.
Success Criteria for Life in Space Foldable:

Biological Needs:

·         4 examples of how biological needs are met in space (i.e. how do astronauts eat, breathe, drink, sleep, shower, brush their teeth, wash their hair, etc.)

Technological Tools and Devices Needed for Space Exploration:

·         3 Clear Examples of technological tools or devices needed in space (i.e. spacesuit, spacecraft, telescopes, etc.)

·         Describe these tools and their use in space - Do not just list items

Communicating From Space:

·         2 Examples of Communication Tools used in space (i.e. how do Astronauts communicate with Earth? Their families?)

·         Describe how these tools are used - Do not just list them

Contributions of Canadians to Space Exploration:

·         2 contributions to space exploration made by Canada or Canadian Astronauts

·         describe the significance or importance of these contributions as well

Life In Space Research Activity Links

What is it like to Live in Space?

Below you will find some links to websites and videos that may help you in your research.  Remember to check your criteria sheets to ensure that you have included everything in your foldable!
  Feel free to search for information yourselves as well.  You will not be able to answer all the questions from here.

Have Fun!

How do Astronauts Breathe in Space?

Living in Space

Facts About Living in Space

Eating, Sleeping, and Using the Washroom in Space

Sleeping in Space

Life at zero gravity

Washing Hands in Space

What do Astronauts Eat in Space?

Washing Hair in Space

Why do Astronauts go to Space?

Canadian Astronaut

Chris Hadfield talks about the Canadarm

All About Living In Space!

Canadian Astronauts and their Daily Lives

If you finish early and Miss Fisher or Mr. Dewaard has checked your work, you can:

  • make a list of 5 things you would bring to space with you and why.

  • write a letter to a friend or family member from space.  Write about daily activities and how they are different from here on Earth.